Well, leave it to me, the hectic, crazy, always procrastinating, mother of seven to write about my New Years resolution the day AFTER New Years. Yep. That's me. One of THOSE people.
My resolution is to take time for me. (As I'm typing this, my husband is trying to talk to me, I had to tell him I was taking time for *ME* and he got all defensive "Oh, forgive me for bothering you".. ugh. Yes, I think it's time for me.) I am going to try to take time for myself every day. I don't do that. If you know me, you know my whole life is about my family and friends. I put everyone before me. This year, I will take the time to do something for myself every day. This is going to be one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Harder than giving birth without an epidural(and boy, was THAT a blast!!! I even did it 3 times because I thought it was so great, LOL) In all seriousness though, I am going to try my hardest to do this. I don't even know what "my time" will consist of, but I am going to make some rules that I have to follow. Feel free to add some rules for me if you want in the comments. I can't say I will follow them all, but I will try!
So here goes:
1. No using "going to the bathroom" as my me time. Absolutely not. That should be a staple every mother gets every day anyway!!
2. I can not use me time to watch TV.
3. Me time will last for at least 30 minutes in one day. Yes, I must specify one day, because if not, I may drag it out over a week, because I constantly get interrupted!
4. If I get interrupted during me time, I have to stop my timer and come back to it. Let's be realistic here, having a dramatic teenager, a diabetic son, three actresses/singers, one computer junkie who always needs help(because he's 3!!!), and a toddler who wants to be held nonstop means there WILL be interruptions.
5. Me time can include exercising, talking to a friend on the phone(or in person if that chance should ever arise), or just doing anything *I* want to do. Not something the kids want or my husband wants. It must specifically be something I want to do or enjoy doing.
6. I have to write about my me time. I may write it on paper, and blog it later, but I must write about.
And that's about the list I can think of. If you have more ideas, again, feel free to add something, and we'll see where this goes.
So let's start with Day 1: I sat and snuggled with the kids because *I* wanted to. Ok, it's kind of a rule breaker, but really, it was so heartwarming. It was fun and they had a blast which meant me sending them to bed at 9pm wasn't so horrific because they got to spend time with Mommy beforehand. In a house with nine people, spending time with Mommy or Daddy is something to cherish. :)
Day 2: I typed this. It took me 30 minutes to get my thoughts in order. I was interrupted by my husband, and had to "stop" my timer, but I sat here and typed this, and I found a way I want to decorate my girls' room. I can't wait to get started on that! Maybe I can spend my me time sewing their new curtains, closet door, and comforters! I LOVE SEWING! :)
Ok. School starts back up tomorrow, so I supposed I should get to bed. 6am will be here so painfully early. I haven't seen that time since this morning when #7 woke up cranky. LOL. She has ear infections in both ears and a nasty virus that causes sores in her mouth. YAY! I'll need my me time more than ever now!!!
I think you should have a rule that at least once a week (or once every 2 weeks if once a week isn't feasible) your "me time" is OUTSIDE of the house. Go shopping, get your hair cut, get a pedicure, go to a book store and sit and read a book you're not going to buy... whatever, just get out of the house for a little bit every once in a while (by yourself or with no responsibilities anyway)